

Friday, March 23, 2007

University Life

It's the best. I can only say this. I do NOT miss at all my old life. Well, you know, sometimes being together in class with my friends. But all in all, I am too fine right now to miss anything from my previous academic life.
And what do I do know that did not do before? Just being myself. It's not that before I behaved in a different way. The point is that in university you are no one at the beginning and you keep being no one during the rest of your stay there. I love this feeling.
My subjects are by no means the best I could have... Catalan, Spanish, English, Russian, Translation, Linguistics and Informatics. You see? The best one is Russian, however, as the method of teaching goes against my principles of How To Learn A Language, I have depelopped some kind of allergy against this subject, too.
Oh, I'm having driving lessons. Practical ones, already. It's really funny. Honestly, I like it. I find it really funny. It's like a joke, but without being one. In fact it's a very serious thing, to drive...
Anyway, I shut up. I have nothing useful to say today. I just wanted to express my feelings.

Lots of kisses!^^
