

Thursday, August 17, 2006

How to...?

Well, it's been a while since my last post... A lot of things have happened in my life but I don't want to write anything about that right now. No, I want to write about an issue I've been discussing with a friend of mine, Kevin, who, like me, has recently been in a couple of cities in England. What were we discussing? About Spanish people and their fashions comparing to people in England of France.

Us, the Southern ones, tend to follow fashions much more than French or English do. Or at least that's what I've observed each time I've been somewhere in this two countries. "The French/English don't know how to dress properly!" This is something that can be heard often here. Personally, I think it's not true. Not at all. What happens is that they dress how they want, not caring about trends or what other people wear. They just dress the way they want. They just make combinations however they want.
It's so easy to distiguish a group of Spanish teenagers in the middle of London or Paris. All the boys dressed the same way, caring about whether other people think of the clothes they wear AND the haircut they had last weekend. Specially girls, of course. Stupid ones. Most of the teenager girls here where I live want to seem richer than they really are. If not rich, sexier. Pathetic. Most of the Spanish teenagers are this: pathetic. Although I, in some way, am part of this stupid age range, seeing a bit from other countries has helped me a lot in everything that concerns any kind of fashion. Anyway... we're all victims of our society.
Luckily everyone grows up some day... ;)

Have a nice day!